Source code for spafe.features.lpc

import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import ifft
from spafe.utils import levinsondr
from spafe.utils.filters import rasta_filter
from ..utils.preprocessing import pre_emphasis
from spafe.utils.cepstral import cms, cmvn, lifter_ceps
from spafe.utils.spectral import powspec, audspec, postaud, invpowspec

[docs]def lpcc(sig, fs=16000, num_ceps=13, pre_emph=1, pre_emph_coeff=0.97, win_type="hann", win_len=0.025, win_hop=0.01, do_rasta=True, lifter=1, normalize=1, dither=1): """ Compute the LINEAR PREDICTIVE CEPSTRAL COEFFICIENTS (LPCC) from an audio signal. Args: sig (array) : a mono audio signal (Nx1) from which to compute features. fs (int) : the sampling frequency of the signal we are working with. Default is 16000. num_ceps (float) : number of cepstra to return (order of the model to compute). Default is 13. pre_emph (int) : apply pre-emphasis if 1. Default is 1. pre_emph_coeff (float) : apply pre-emphasis filter [1 -pre_emph] (0 = none). Default is 0.97. win_type (float) : window type to apply for the windowing. Default is hanning. win_len (float) : window length in sec. Default is 0.025. win_hop (float) : step between successive windows in sec. Default is 0.01. do_rasta (int) : if 1 then apply rasta filtering. Default is 0. lifter (int) : apply liftering if value > 0. Default is 22. normalize (int) : apply normalization if 1. Default is 0. dither (int) : 1 = add offset to spectrum as if dither noise. Default is 0. Returns: (array) : 2d array of LPCC features (num_frames x num_ceps) """ lpcs = lpc(sig=sig, fs=fs, num_ceps=num_ceps, pre_emph=pre_emph, pre_emph_coeff=pre_emph_coeff, win_len=win_len, win_hop=win_hop, do_rasta=True, dither=dither) lpccs = lpc2cep(lpcs.T) # liftering if lifter > 0: lpccs = lifter_ceps(lpccs, lifter) # normalization if normalize: lpccs = cmvn(cms(lpccs)) lpccs = lpccs.T return lpccs[:, :]
[docs]def lpc(sig, fs=16000, num_ceps=13, pre_emph=0, pre_emph_coeff=0.97, win_type="hann", win_len=0.025, win_hop=0.01, do_rasta=True, dither=1): """ Compute the LINEAR PREDICTIVE COEFFICIENTS (LPC) from an audio signal. Args: sig (array) : a mono audio signal (Nx1) from which to compute features. fs (int) : the sampling frequency of the signal we are working with. Default is 16000. num_ceps (int) : number of cepstra to return(order of the model to compute). Default is 13. pre_emph (int) : apply pre-emphasis if 1. Default is 1. pre_emph_coeff (float) : apply pre-emphasis filter [1 -pre_emph] (0 = none). Default is 0.97. win_type (float) : window type to apply for the windowing. Default is hanning. win_len (float) : window length in sec. Default is 0.025. win_hop (float) : step between successive windows in sec. Default is 0.01. do_rasta (int) : if 1 then apply rasta filtering. Default is 0. lifter (int) : apply liftering if value > 0. Default is 22. normalize (int) : apply normalization if 1. Default is 0. dither (int) : 1 = add offset to spectrum as if dither noise. Default is 0. Returns: (array) : 2d array of LPC features (num_frames x num_ceps) """ # pre-emphasis if pre_emph: sig = pre_emphasis(sig=sig, pre_emph_coeff=pre_emph_coeff) # compute power spectrum power_spectrum, _ = powspec(sig=sig, fs=fs, win_type=win_type, win_len=win_len, win_hop=win_hop, dither=dither) # group to critical bands auditory_spectrum = audspec(power_spectrum, fs) nbands = auditory_spectrum.shape[0] if do_rasta: # put in log domain log_auditory_spectrum = np.log(auditory_spectrum) # next do rasta filtering rasta_filtered_log_auditory_spectrum = rasta_filter( log_auditory_spectrum) # do inverse log auditory_spectrum = np.exp(rasta_filtered_log_auditory_spectrum) post_processing_spectrum, _ = postaud(auditory_spectrum, fs / 2) lpcs = do_lpc(x=post_processing_spectrum, model_order=num_ceps) lpcs = lpcs.T return lpcs[:, :num_ceps]
[docs]def do_lpc(x, model_order=8): """ Compute the autoregressive model from spectral magnitude samples. Args: x (array) : array of the audio signal to process. model_order (int) : order of the model to compute. Returns: array of the autoregressive model """ nbands, nframes = x.shape ncorr = 2 * (nbands - 1) R = np.zeros((ncorr, nframes)) R[0:nbands, :] = x for i in range(nbands - 1): R[i + nbands - 1, :] = x[nbands - (i + 1), :] r = ifft(R.T).real.T r = r[0:nbands, :] y = np.ones((nframes, model_order + 1)) e = np.zeros((nframes, 1)) if model_order == 0: for i in range(nframes): _, e_tmp, _ = levinsondr.LEVINSON(r[:, i], model_order, allow_singularity=True) e[i, 0] = e_tmp else: for i in range(nframes): y_tmp, e_tmp, _ = levinsondr.LEVINSON(r[:, i], model_order, allow_singularity=True) y[i, 1:model_order + 1] = y_tmp e[i, 0] = e_tmp y = y.T / (np.tile(e.T, (model_order + 1, 1)) + 1e-8) return y
[docs]def lpc2cep(a, nout=0): """ convert LPC coefficients directly to cepstral values. - convert the LPC 'a' coefficients in each column of lpcs into frames of cepstra. Args: a (array) : cepstral values. nout (int) : number of cepstra to produce Returns: array of LPC coefficients. Default size(lpcs, 1) """ nin, ncol = a.shape order = nin - 1 if nout == 0: nout = order + 1 cep = np.zeros((nout, ncol)) cep[0, :] = -np.log(a[0, :]) norm_a = np.divide(a, np.add(np.tile(a[0, :], (nin, 1)), 1e-8)) for n in range(1, nout): sum_var = 0 for m in range(1, n): sum_var = np.add( sum_var, np.multiply(np.multiply((n - m), norm_a[m, :]), cep[(n - m), :])) cep[n, :] = -np.add(norm_a[n, :], np.divide(sum_var, n)) return cep
[docs]def lpc2spec(lpcs, nout=17, FMout=False): """ convert LPC coefficients back into spectra by sampling the z-plane. Args: lpcs (array) : array including the LPC coefficients. nout (int) : number of freq channels, default 17 (i.e. for 8 kHz) FMout (bool) : Returns: list including the features, F and M """ rows, cols = lpcs.shape order = rows - 1 gg = lpcs[0, :] aa = lpcs / np.tile(gg, (rows, 1)) # Calculate the actual z-plane polyvals: nout points around unit circle tmp_1 = np.array(np.arange(0, nout), ndmin=2).T tmp_1 = (-1j * tmp_1 * np.pi) / (nout - 1) tmp_2 = np.array(np.arange(0, order + 1), ndmin=2) zz = np.exp(np.matmul(tmp_1, tmp_2)) # Actual polyvals, in power (mag^2) features = np.tile(gg, (nout, 1)) / np.abs(np.matmul(zz, aa))**2 F = np.zeros((cols, int(np.ceil(rows / 2)))) M = F if FMout: for c in range(cols): aaa = aa[:, c] rr = np.roots(aaa) ff_tmp = np.angle(rr) ff = np.array(ff_tmp, ndmin=2).T zz = np.exp( 1j * np.matmul(ff, np.array(np.arange(0, aaa.shape[0]), ndmin=2))) mags = np.sqrt(gg[c] / np.abs(np.matmul(zz, np.array(aaa, ndmin=2).T))**2) ix = np.argsort(ff_tmp) dummy = np.sort(ff_tmp) tmp_F_list = [] tmp_M_list = [] for i in range(ff.shape[0]): if dummy[i] > 0: tmp_F_list = np.append(tmp_F_list, dummy[i]) tmp_M_list = np.append(tmp_M_list, mags[ix[i]]) M[c, 0:tmp_M_list.shape[0]] = tmp_M_list F[c, 0:tmp_F_list.shape[0]] = tmp_F_list return features, F, M