Source code for spafe.features.spfeats

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module is part of the spafe library and has the purpose of of computing the following spectral stats:
    - meanfreq : mean frequency (in kHz)
    - sd       : standard deviation of frequency
    - median   : median frequency (in kHz)
    - Q25      : first quantile (in kHz)
    - Q75      : third quantile (in kHz)
    - IQR      : interquantile range (in kHz)
    - skew     : skewness (see note in specprop description)
    - kurt     : kurtosis (see note in specprop description)
    - sp.ent   : spectral entropy
    - sfm      : spectral flatness
    - mode     : mode frequency
    - centroid : frequency centroid (see specprop)
    - peakf    : peak frequency (frequency with highest energy)
    - meanfun  : average of fundamental frequency measured across acoustic signal
    - minfun   : minimum fundamental frequency measured across acoustic signal
    - maxfun   : maximum fundamental frequency measured across acoustic signal
    - meandom  : average of dominant frequency measured across acoustic signal
    - mindom   : minimum of dominant frequency measured across acoustic signal
    - maxdom   : maximum of dominant frequency measured across acoustic signal
    - dfrange  : range of dominant frequency measured across acoustic signal
    - modindx  : modulation index. Calculated as the accumulated absolute difference
                 between adjacent measurements of fundamental frequencies divided
                 by the frequency range
    - label    : male or female

    * For module TODOs
    * You have to also use ``sphinx.ext.todo`` extension

import scipy
import numpy as np
from ..utils.spectral import stft, rfft
from ..frequencies.dominant_frequencies import get_dominant_frequencies
from ..frequencies.fundamental_frequencies import FundamentalFrequenciesExtractor

[docs]def compute_fund_freqs(sig, fs): """ compute fundamental frequencies. Args: centroid (float) : spectral centroid. spectrum (array) : spectrum array. Returns: (float) spectral spread. """ # fundamental frequencies calculations fund_freqs_extractor = FundamentalFrequenciesExtractor(debug=False) pitches, harmonic_rates, argmins, times = fund_freqs_extractor.main( sig=sig, fs=fs) return pitches
[docs]def compute_dom_freqs_and_mod_index(sig, fs, lower_cutoff=50, upper_cutoff=3000, nfft=512, win_len=0.03, win_hop=0.015, win_type='hamming', debug=False): """ compute dominant frequencies and modulation index. Args: sig (array) : spectral centroid. fs (int) : spectrum array. Returns: (float) spectral spread. """ # dominant frequencies calculations dom_freqs = get_dominant_frequencies(sig=sig, fs=fs, lower_cutoff=50, upper_cutoff=upper_cutoff, nfft=nfft, win_len=win_len, win_hop=win_hop, win_type=win_type, debug=debug) # modulation index calculation changes = np.abs(dom_freqs[:-1] - dom_freqs[1:]) dfrange = dom_freqs.max() - dom_freqs.min() if dom_freqs.min() == dom_freqs.max(): mod_index = 0 else: mod_index = changes.mean() / dfrange return dom_freqs, mod_index
[docs]def spectral_centroid(sig, fs): """ compute spectral centroid. """ # compute magnitude spectrum magnitude_spectrum = np.fft.rfft(sig) # compute positive frequencies freqs = np.abs(np.fft.fftfreq(len(sig), 1.0 / fs)[:len(sig) // 2 + 1]) # return weighted mean sc = np.sum(magnitude_spectrum * freqs) / np.sum(magnitude_spectrum) return sc
[docs]def spectral_flatness(sig): """ compute spectral flatness. """ # compute magnitude spectrum magnitude_spectrum = np.fft.rfft(sig) # select half of the spectrum due to symetrie magnitude_spectrum = magnitude_spectrum[:len(sig) // 2 + 1] sf = scipy.stats.mstats.gmean(magnitude_spectrum) / np.mean( magnitude_spectrum) return sf
[docs]def spectral_rolloff(sig, fs, k=0.85): # convert to frequency domain magnitude_spectrum, _ = stft(sig=sig, fs=fs) power_spectrum = np.abs(magnitude_spectrum)**2 tbins, fbins = np.shape(magnitude_spectrum) # when do these blocks begin (time in seconds)? tstamps = (np.arange(0, tbins - 1) * (tbins / float(fs))) # compute the spectral sum spectral_sum = np.sum(power_spectrum, axis=1) # find frequency-bin indeces where the cummulative sum of all bins is higher # than k-percent of the sum of all bins. Lowest index = Rolloff sr = [ np.where(np.cumsum(power_spectrum[t, :]) >= k * spectral_sum[t])[0][0] for t in range(tbins - 1) ] sr = np.asarray(sr).astype(float) # convert frequency-bin index to frequency in Hz sr = (sr / fbins) * (fs / 2.0) return sr, np.asarray(tstamps)
[docs]def spectral_flux(sig, fs): # convert to frequency domain magnitude_spectrum, _ = stft(sig=sig, fs=fs) tbins, fbins = np.shape(magnitude_spectrum) # when do these blocks begin (time in seconds)? tstamps = (np.arange(0, tbins - 1) * (tbins / float(fs))) sf = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(np.abs(magnitude_spectrum))**2, axis=1)) / fbins return sf[1:], np.asarray(tstamps)
[docs]def spectral_spread(centroid, spectrum, fs): """ Compute the spectral spread (basically a variance of the spectrum around the spectral centroid) Args: centroid (float) : spectral centroid. spectrum (array) : spectrum array. Returns: (float) spectral spread. """ bin_count, numerator, denominator = 0, 0, 0 for bin_i in spectrum: # Compute center frequency f = ((fs / 2.0) / len(spectrum)) * bin_count numerator = numerator + (((f - centroid)**2) * abs(bin_i)) denominator = denominator + abs(bin_i) bin_count = bin_count + 1 return np.sqrt((numerator * 1.0) / denominator)
[docs]def zero_crossing_rate(sig, fs, block_length=256): # how many blocks have to be processed? num_blocks = int(np.ceil(len(sig) / block_length)) # when do these blocks begin (time in seconds)? timestamps = (np.arange(0, num_blocks - 1) * (block_length / float(fs))) zcr = [] for i in range(0, num_blocks - 1): start = i * block_length stop = np.min([(start + block_length - 1), len(sig)]) zc = 0.5 * np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(np.sign(sig[start:stop])))) zcr.append(zc) return np.asarray(zcr), np.asarray(timestamps)
[docs]def root_mean_square(sig, fs, block_length=256): # how many blocks have to be processed? num_blocks = int(np.ceil(len(sig) / block_length)) # when do these blocks begin (time in seconds)? tstamps = (np.arange(0, num_blocks - 1) * (block_length / float(fs))) rms = [] for i in range(0, num_blocks - 1): start = i * block_length stop = np.min([(start + block_length - 1), len(sig)]) # This is wrong but why? rms_seg = np.sqrt(np.mean(sig[start:stop]**2)) rms_seg = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(sig[start:stop], 2))) rms.append(rms_seg) return np.asarray(rms), np.asarray(tstamps)
[docs]def spectral_bandwidth(sig, fs): return []
[docs]def extract_feats(sig, fs, nfft=512): """ Compute the spectral features. Args: centroid (float) : spectral centroid. spectrum (array) : spectrum array. Returns: (float) spectral spread. """ # init features dictionary feats = {} # compute the fft fourrier_transform = rfft(sig, nfft) # compute magnitude spectrum magnitude_spectrum = (1/nfft) * np.abs(fourrier_transform) power_spectrum = (1/nfft)**2 * magnitude_spectrum**2 # get all frequncies and only keep positive frequencies frequencies = np.fft.fftfreq(len(power_spectrum), 1 / fs) frequencies = frequencies[np.where(frequencies >= 0)] // 2 + 1 # keep only half of the spectra magnitude_spectrum = magnitude_spectrum[:len(frequencies)] power_spectrum = power_spectrum[:len(frequencies)] # define amplitudes and spectrum spectrum = power_spectrum amplitudes = power_spectrum amp_cumsum = np.cumsum(amplitudes) # general stats feats["duration"] = len(sig) / float(fs) feats["spectrum"] = spectrum # spectral stats I feats["mean_frequency"] = frequencies.sum() feats["peak_frequency"] = frequencies[np.argmax(amplitudes)] feats["frequencies_std"] = frequencies.std() feats["amplitudes_cum_sum"] = np.cumsum(amplitudes) feats["mode_frequency"] = frequencies[amplitudes.argmax()] feats["median_frequency"] = np.median(frequencies) feats["frequencies_q25"] = frequencies[len(amp_cumsum[amp_cumsum <= 0.25])-1] feats["frequencies_q75"] = frequencies[len(amp_cumsum[amp_cumsum <= 0.75])-1] feats["iqr"] = feats["frequencies_q75"] - feats["frequencies_q25"] # spectral stats II feats["freqs_skewness"] = scipy.stats.skew(frequencies) feats["freqs_kurtosis"] = scipy.stats.kurtosis(frequencies) feats["spectral_entropy"] = scipy.stats.entropy(amplitudes) feats["spectral_flatness"] = spectral_flatness(sig) feats["spectral_centroid"] = spectral_centroid(sig, fs) feats["spectral_bandwidth"] = spectral_bandwidth(sig, fs) feats["spectral_spread"] = spectral_spread(feats["spectral_centroid"], feats["spectrum"], fs) feats["spectral_flatness"] = spectral_flatness(sig) feats["spectral_rolloff"] = spectral_rolloff(sig, fs) # compute energy feats["energy"] = magnitude_spectrum # compute root-mean-square (RMS). feats["rms"] = root_mean_square(sig=sig, fs=fs) # compute the zero-crossing rate of an audio time series feats["zcr"] = zero_crossing_rate(sig=sig, fs=fs) # spectral stats feats["spectral_mean"] = np.mean(spectrum) feats["spectral_rms"] = np.sqrt(np.mean(spectrum**2)) feats["spectral_std"] = np.std(spectrum) feats["spectral_variance"] = np.var(spectrum) # assign fundamental frequencies stats fund_freqs = compute_fund_freqs(sig=sig, fs=fs) feats["meanfun"] = fund_freqs.mean() feats["minfun"] = fund_freqs.min() feats["maxfun"] = fund_freqs.max() # assign dominant frequencies stats dom_freqs, mod_idx = compute_dom_freqs_and_mod_index(sig=sig, fs=fs, lower_cutoff = 50, upper_cutoff = 3000, nfft = 512, win_len = 0.03, win_hop = 0.015, win_type = 'hamming', debug = False) feats["meandom"] = dom_freqs.mean() feats["mindom"] = dom_freqs.min() feats["maxdom"] = dom_freqs.max() # range of dominant frequency measured across acoustic signal feats["dfrange"] = feats["maxdom"] - feats["mindom"] # modulation index: Calculated as the accumulated absolute difference # between adjacent measurements of fundamental frequencies divided by the # frequency range feats["modindex"] = mod_idx return feats