Source code for spafe.frequencies.dominant_frequencies

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import scipy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ..utils.spectral import rfft
from ..utils.preprocessing import framing, windowing

[docs]def get_dominant_frequencies(sig, fs, butter_filter=False, lower_cutoff=50, upper_cutoff=3000, nfft=512, win_len=0.025, win_hop=0.01, win_type="hamming", debug=False): """ Returns a list of dominant audio frequencies of a given wave file. Args: sig (array) : name of an audio file name. fs (int) : sampling rate (= average number of samples pro 1 sec) butter_filter (bool) : choose whether to apply a Butterworth filter or not. Default is False. lower_cutoff (int) : filter lower cut-off frequency. Default is 50. upper_cutoff (int) : filter upper cot-off frequency. Default is 3000. nfft (int) : number of FFT points. Default is 512, win_len (float) : window length in sec. Default is 0.025. win_hop (float) : step between successive windows in sec. Default is 0.01. win_type (float) : window type to apply for the windowing. Default is "hamming". debug (bool) : choose whether to plot the results or not. Default is False Returns: (array) : array of dominant frequencies. """ if butter_filter: # apply Band pass Butterworth filter b, a = scipy.signal.butter(6, [(lower_cutoff * 2) / fs, (upper_cutoff * 2) / fs], 'band') w, h = scipy.signal.freqs(b, a, len(sig)) sig = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, sig) # -> framing frames, frame_length = framing(sig=sig, fs=fs, win_len=win_len, win_hop=win_hop) # -> windowing windows = windowing(frames=frames, frame_len=frame_length, win_type=win_type) # init dominant frequncies list dominant_frequencies = [] # get dominant frequency for each frame for w in windows: # compute the fft fourrier_transform = rfft(x=w, n=nfft) # compute magnitude spectrum magnitude_spectrum = (1/nfft) * np.abs(fourrier_transform) power_spectrum = (1/nfft)**2 * magnitude_spectrum**2 # get all frequncies and only keep positive frequencies frequencies = np.fft.fftfreq(len(power_spectrum), 1 / fs) frequencies = frequencies[np.where(frequencies >= 0)] // 2 +1 # keep only half of the spectra magnitude_spectrum = magnitude_spectrum[:len(frequencies)] power_spectrum = power_spectrum[:len(frequencies)] # get id for max spectrum idx = np.argmax(power_spectrum) # get dom freq and convert it to Hz dom_freq = frequencies[idx] # add dominant frequency to dominant frequencies list dominant_frequencies.append(dom_freq) # convert to array, round and only keep unique values dominant_frequencies = np.array(dominant_frequencies) dominant_frequencies = np.round(dominant_frequencies, 3) dominant_frequencies = np.unique(dominant_frequencies) # debugging plot if debug: plt.plot(frequencies, magnitude_spectrum, "g") plt.plot(dominant_frequencies, [magnitude_spectrum[np.where(frequencies == f)] for f in dominant_frequencies], "rx") return dominant_frequencies