Source code for spafe.frequencies.fundamental_frequencies

Credits to:
    Patrice Guyot. (2018, April 19).
    Fast Python implementation of the Yin algorithm (Version v1.1.1).
import time
import scipy
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class FundamentalFrequenciesExtractor: def __init__(self, debug=False): self.debug = debug
[docs] def differenceFunction(self, x, N, tau_max): """ Compute difference function of data x. This corresponds to equation (6) in [1] Fastest implementation. Use the same approach than differenceFunction_scipy. This solution is implemented directly with np fft. Args: x (array) : audio data N (int) : length of data tau_max (int) : integration window size Returns: (list) : difference function """ x = np.array(x, np.float64) w = x.size x_cumsum = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), (x * x).cumsum())) conv = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(x, x[::-1]) tmp = x_cumsum[w:0:-1] + x_cumsum[w] - x_cumsum[:w] - 2 * conv[w - 1:] return tmp[:tau_max]
[docs] def cumulativeMeanNormalizedDifferenceFunction(self, df, N): """ Compute cumulative mean normalized difference function (CMND). This corresponds to equation (8) in [1]. Args: df (list) : Difference function N (int) : length of data tau_max (int) : integration window size Returns: (list) : cumulative mean normalized difference function """ cmndf = df[1:] * range(1, N) / np.cumsum(df[1:]).astype( float) # scipy method return np.insert(cmndf, 0, 1)
[docs] def getPitch(self, cmdf, tau_min, tau_max, harmo_th=0.1): """ Return fundamental period of a frame based on CMND function. - cmdf: Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference function Args: tau_min (int) : minimum period for speech tau_max (int) : maximum period for speech harmo_th (float) : harmonicity threshold to determine if it is necessary to compute pitch frequency Returns: (float) : fundamental period if there is values under threshold, 0 otherwise """ tau = tau_min while tau < tau_max: if cmdf[tau] < harmo_th: while tau + 1 < tau_max and cmdf[tau + 1] < cmdf[tau]: tau += 1 return tau tau += 1 return 0 # if unvoiced
[docs] def compute_yin(self, sig, fs, dataFileName=None, w_len=512, w_step=256, f0_min=50, f0_max=3000, harmo_thresh=0.1): """ Compute the Yin Algorithm. Return fundamental frequency and harmonic rate. Args: sig (list) : Audio signal (list of float) fs (int) : sampling rate (= average number of samples pro 1 second) w_len (int) : size of the analysis window (in #samples) w_step (int) : size of the lag between two consecutives windows (in #samples) f0_min (int) : Minimum fundamental frequency that can be detected (in Hertz) f0_max (int) : Maximum fundamental frequency that can be detected (in Hertz) harmo_tresh (int) : Threshold of detection. The yalgorithmù return the first minimum of the CMND fubction below this threshold. Returns: (tuple) : tuple include the following - pitches : list of fundamental frequencies, - harmonic_rates: list of harmonic rate values for each fundamental frequency value (= confidence value) - argmins : minimums of the Cumulative Mean Normalized DifferenceFunction - times : list of time of each estimation """ if self.debug: print('Yin: compute yin algorithm') tau_min, tau_max = int(fs / f0_max), int(fs / f0_min) timeScale = range(0, len(sig) - w_len, w_step) # time values for each analysis window times = [t / float(fs) for t in timeScale] frames = [sig[t:t + w_len] for t in timeScale] pitches = [0.0] * len(timeScale) harmonic_rates = [0.0] * len(timeScale) argmins = [0.0] * len(timeScale) for i, frame in enumerate(frames): # Compute YIN df = self.differenceFunction(frame, w_len, tau_max) cmdf = self.cumulativeMeanNormalizedDifferenceFunction(df, tau_max) p = self.getPitch(cmdf, tau_min, tau_max, harmo_thresh) # Get results if np.argmin(cmdf) > tau_min: argmins[i] = float(fs / np.argmin(cmdf)) # A pitch was found if p != 0: pitches[i] = float(fs / p) harmonic_rates[i] = cmdf[p] # No pitch, but we compute a value of the harmonic rate else: harmonic_rates[i] = min(cmdf) return pitches, harmonic_rates, argmins, times
[docs] def main(self, sig, fs, w_len=1024, w_step=256, f0_min=70, f0_max=200, harmo_thresh=0.85, audioDir="./", dataFileName=None): """ Run the computation of the Yin algorithm on a example file. Args: sig (list) : Audio signal (list of float) fs (int) : sampling rate (= average number of samples pro 1 second) w_len (int) : size of the analysis window (in #samples) w_step (int) : size of the lag between two consecutives windows (in #samples) f0_min (int) : Minimum fundamental frequency that can be detected (in Hertz) f0_max (int) : Maximum fundamental frequency that can be detected (in Hertz) harmo_tresh (int) : Threshold of detection. The yalgorithmù return the first minimum of the CMND fubction below this threshold. Returns: (tuple) : tuple include the following - pitches : list of fundamental frequencies, - harmonic_rates: list of harmonic rate values for each fundamental frequency value (= confidence value) - argmins : minimums of the Cumulative Mean Normalized DifferenceFunction - times : list of time of each estimation """ start = time.time() duration = len(sig) / float(fs) pitches, harmonic_rates, argmins, times = self.compute_yin( sig, fs, dataFileName, w_len, w_step, f0_min, f0_max, harmo_thresh) if self.debug: print("Yin computed in: ", time.time() - start) plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.125, right=0.9, bottom=0.1, top=0.9, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.99) # plot audio data ax1 = plt.subplot(4, 1, 1) ax1.plot( [float(x) * duration / len(sig) for x in range(0, len(sig))], sig) ax1.set_title('Audio data') ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude') # plot F0 ax2 = plt.subplot(4, 1, 2) ax2.plot([ float(x) * duration / len(pitches) for x in range(0, len(pitches)) ], pitches) ax2.set_title('F0') ax2.set_ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') # plot Harmonic rate ax3 = plt.subplot(4, 1, 3, sharex=ax2) ax3.plot([ float(x) * duration / len(harmonic_rates) for x in range(0, len(harmonic_rates)) ], harmonic_rates, "-x") ax3.plot([ float(x) * duration / len(harmonic_rates) for x in range(0, len(harmonic_rates)) ], [harmo_thresh] * len(harmonic_rates), 'r', "--") ax3.set_title('Harmonic rate') ax3.set_ylabel('Rate') # plot Index of minimums of CMND ax4 = plt.subplot(4, 1, 4, sharex=ax2) ax4.plot([ float(x) * duration / len(argmins) for x in range(0, len(argmins)) ], argmins, "-x") ax4.set_title('Index of minimums of CMND') ax4.set_ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax4.set_xlabel('Time (seconds)') return np.array(pitches), harmonic_rates, argmins, times