Source code for spafe.utils.cepstral

import scipy
import numpy as np

[docs]def cmn(x): """ Mean normalization. Args: x (array) : input data. Returns: array with the mean normalized data. """ return (x - np.mean(x)) / (np.max(x) - np.min(x))
[docs]def cms(x): """ Mean Substraction: Centering Args: x (array) : input data. Returns: array with the centered data. """ return x - np.mean(x, axis=0)
[docs]def cvn(x): """ Variance Normalisation: Standardization Args: x (array) : input data. Returns: array with the variance normalized data. """ return x / np.std(x)
[docs]def cmvn(x): """ Mean Variance Normalisation Args: x (array) : input data. Returns: array with the mean and variance normalized data. """ return cvn(cms(x))
def _helper_idx(i, start, stop, step, dct_type): """ Helper function to compute the cosine vector used in the dct. Args: i (float) : angle index. start (int) : start of the angles index interval. Default start value is 0. stop (int) : End of the angles index interval. The interval does not include this value. step (int) : Spacing between values. Default is 1. dct_type (int) : the discrete cosine transform type. Default is 2. Returns: array containing the cosine values. """ r = np.arange(start, stop, step) if dct_type not in [2, 3]: r = r.T return np.cos(np.pi * i * r / (stop + start - 1)) def _helper_mat(K, ncep, start, stop, step, dct_type): """ Helper function to compute the discrete cosine tranform and the inverse discrete cosine transform coefficients. Args: K (float) : multiplication coefficient. ncep (int) : number of cepstrals. Default is 9. start (int) : start of the angles index interval. Default start value is 0. stop (int) : End of the angles index interval. The interval does not include this value. step (int) : Spacing between values. Default is 1. dct_type (int) : the discrete cosine transform type. Default is 2. Returns: 2d-array containing the dct coefficients. """ mat = [ K * _helper_idx(i=i, start=start, stop=stop, step=step, dct_type=dct_type) for i in range(ncep) ] return np.array(mat)
[docs]def cep2spec(cep, ncep, nfreq, dct_type=2): """ Reverse the cepstrum to recover a spectrum. Args: cep (array) : cepstral data to convert to spectral data. ncep (int) : number of cepstrals. nfreq (int) : number of points to reconstruct in spectrum. dct_type (int) : the discrete cosine transform type. Default is 2. Returns 2d-array spec, spectrum matrix 2d-array idctm, the IDCT matrix that spec was multiplied by to give cep. """ _, ncol = cep.shape dctm = np.zeros((ncep, nfreq)) idctm = np.zeros((nfreq, ncep)) if dct_type == 2 or dct_type == 3: dctm[0:ncep, :] = _helper_mat(np.sqrt(2 / nfreq), ncep, start=1, stop=2 * nfreq, step=2, dct_type=dct_type) if dct_type == 2: dctm[0, :] = dctm[0, :] / np.sqrt(2) else: dctm[0, :] = dctm[0, :] / 2 idctm = dctm.T elif dct_type == 4: idctm[:, 0:ncep] = _helper_mat(2, ncep, start=1, stop=nfreq + 1, step=None, dct_type=dct_type).T idctm[:, 0:ncep] = idctm[:, 0:ncep] / 2 else: idctm[:, 0:ncep] = _helper_mat(2, ncep, start=0, stop=nfreq, step=None, dct_type=dct_type).T idctm[:, [0, -1]] = idctm[:, [0, -1]] / 2 spec = np.exp(np.matmul(idctm, cep)) return spec, idctm
[docs]def deltas(x, w=9): """ Calculate the deltas (derivatives) of an input sequence with a W-points window (W odd, default 9) using a simple linear slope. This mirrors the delta calculation performed in feacalc etc. Each row of X is filtered separately. Args: x (array) : input sequence w (int) : window size to use in the derivatives calculation. Default is 9. Returns: 2d-arrays containing the derivatives values. """ _, cols = x.shape hlen = np.floor(w / 2) win = np.arange(hlen, -(hlen + 1), -1, dtype='float32') xx = np.append(np.append(np.tile(x[:, 0], (int(hlen), 1)).T, x, axis=1), np.tile(x[:, cols - 1], (int(hlen), 1)).T, axis=1) from scipy.signal import lfilter deltas = lfilter(win, 1, xx, axis=1)[:, int(2 * hlen):int(2 * hlen + cols)] return deltas
[docs]def spec2cep(spec, ncep=9, dct_type=2): """ Calculate cepstra from spectral samples (in columns of spec). Args: spec (array) : spectral data to convert to cepstral. ncep (int) : number of cepstrals. Default is 9. dct_type (int) : the discrete cosine transform type. Default is 2. Returns 2d-array ncep, cepstral rows 2d-array dctm, the DCT matrix that spec was multiplied by to give cep. """ nrow, _ = spec.shape[0], spec.shape[1] dctm = np.zeros((ncep, nrow)) if dct_type == 2 or dct_type == 3: dctm[:ncep, :] = _helper_mat(np.sqrt(2 / nrow), ncep, start=1, stop=2 * nrow, step=2, dct_type=dct_type) if dct_type == 2: dctm[0, :] = (dctm[0, :] / np.sqrt(2)) elif dct_type == 4: dctm[:ncep, :] = _helper_mat(2, ncep, start=1, stop=nrow + 1, step=None, dct_type=dct_type) dctm[:ncep, 0] = dctm[:ncep, 0] + 1 dctm[:ncep, int(nrow - 1)] = dctm[:ncep, int(nrow - 1)] * (-1)**np.arange( 0, ncep) dctm = np.divide(dctm, 2 * (nrow + 1)) else: dctm[:ncep, :] = _helper_mat((nrow - 1)**-1, ncep, start=0, stop=nrow, step=None, dct_type=dct_type) dctm[:, 0] = dctm[:, 0] / 2 dctm[:, int(nrow - 1)] = dctm[:, int(nrow - 1)] / 2 cep = np.matmul(dctm, np.log(spec + 1e-8)) return cep, dctm
[docs]def lifter_ceps(cepstra, L=22): """ Apply a cepstral lifter the the matrix of cepstra. This has the effect of increasing the magnitude of the high frequency DCT coeffs. Args: cepstra (np.array) : the matrix of mel-cepstra, will be numframes * numcep in size. L (int) : the liftering coefficient to use. Default is 22. L <= 0 disables lifter. Returns: liftered cepstra. """ if L > 0: _, ncoeff = np.shape(cepstra) n = np.arange(ncoeff) lift = 1 + (L / 2.) * np.sin(np.pi * n / L) return lift * cepstra else: # values of L <= 0, do nothing return cepstra