Source code for spafe.utils.preprocessing

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
from spafe.utils.spectral import rfft
from .exceptions import ParameterError, ErrorMsgs

[docs]def zero_handling(x): """ handle the issue with zero values if they are exposed to become an argument for any log function. Args: x (array): input vector. Returns: vector with zeros substituted with epsilon values. """ return np.where(x == 0, np.finfo(float).eps, x)
[docs]def pre_emphasis(sig, pre_emph_coeff=0.97): """ perform preemphasis on the input signal. Args: sig (array) : signal to filter. coeff (float) : preemphasis coefficient. 0 is no filter, default is 0.95. Returns: the filtered signal. """ return np.append(sig[0], sig[1:] - pre_emph_coeff * sig[:-1])
[docs]def stride_trick(a, stride_length, stride_step): """ apply framing using the stride trick from numpy. Args: a (array) : signal array. stride_length (int) : length of the stride. stride_step (int) : stride step. Returns: blocked/framed array. """ nrows = ((a.size - stride_length) // stride_step) + 1 n = a.strides[0] return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=(nrows, stride_length), strides=(stride_step*n, n))
[docs]def framing(sig, fs=16000, win_len=0.025, win_hop=0.01): """ transform a signal into a series of overlapping frames (=Frame blocking). Args: sig (array) : a mono audio signal (Nx1) from which to compute features. fs (int) : the sampling frequency of the signal we are working with. Default is 16000. win_len (float) : window length in sec. Default is 0.025. win_hop (float) : step between successive windows in sec. Default is 0.01. Returns: array of frames. frame length. Notes: ------ Uses the stride trick to accelerate the processing. """ # run checks and assertions if win_len < win_hop: raise ParameterError(ErrorMsgs["win_len_win_hop_comparison"]) # compute frame length and frame step (convert from seconds to samples) frame_length = win_len * fs frame_step = win_hop * fs signal_length = len(sig) frames_overlap = frame_length - frame_step # make sure to use integers as indices frames = stride_trick(sig, int(frame_length), int(frame_step)) if len(frames[-1]) < frame_length: frames[-1] = np.append(frames[-1], np.array([0]*(frame_length - len(frames[0])))) return frames, frame_length
[docs]def windowing(frames, frame_len, win_type="hamming", beta=14): """ generate and apply a window function to avoid spectral leakage. Args: frames (array) : array including the overlapping frames. frame_len (int) : frame length. win_type (str) : type of window to use. Default is "hamming" Returns: windowed frames. """ if win_type == "hamming" : windows = np.hamming(frame_len) elif win_type == "hanning" : windows = np.hanning(frame_len) elif win_type == "bartlet" : windows = np.bartlett(frame_len) elif win_type == "kaiser" : windows = np.kaiser(frame_len, beta) elif win_type == "blackman": windows = np.blackman(frame_len) windowed_frames = frames * windows return windowed_frames
[docs]def remove_silence(sig, fs, win_len=0.25, win_hop=0.25, threshold=-35): """ generate and apply a window function to avoid spectral leakage. Args: frames (array) : array including the overlapping frames. frame_len (int) : frame length. win_type (str) : type of window to use. Default is "hamming" Returns: windowed frames. """ # framing frames, frames_len = framing(sig=sig, fs=fs, win_len=win_len, win_hop=win_hop) # compute short time energies to get voiced frames amplitudes = np.abs(rfft(frames, len(frames))) energy = np.sum(amplitudes, axis=-1) / len(frames)**2 energy = 10 * np.log10(zero_handling(energy)) # normalize energy to 0 dB then filter and format energy = energy - energy.max() energy = scipy.ndimage.filters.median_filter(energy, 5) energy = np.repeat(energy, frames_len) # compute vad and get speech frames vad = np.array(energy > threshold, dtype=sig.dtype) vframes = np.array(frames.flatten()[np.where(vad==1)], dtype=sig.dtype) return energy, vad, np.array(vframes, dtype=np.float64)