Source code for spafe.utils.spectral

import scipy
import warnings
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from spafe.utils.converters import (hz2bark, bark2hz, hz2mel, mel2hz, fft2barkmx, fft2melmx)

NFFT = 512

[docs]def cqt(sig, fs=16000, low_freq=10, high_freq=3000, b=48): """ Compute the constant Q-transform. - take the absolute value of the FFT - warp to a Mel frequency scale - take the DCT of the log-Mel-spectrum - return the first <num_ceps> components Args: sig (array) : a mono audio signal (Nx1) from which to compute features. fs (int) : the sampling frequency of the signal we are working with. Default is 16000. low_freq (int) : lowest band edge of mel filters (Hz). Default is 10. high_freq (int) : highest band edge of mel filters (Hz). Default is 3000. b (int) : number of bins per octave. Default is 48. Returns: array including the Q-transform coefficients. """ # define lambda funcs for clarity def f(k): return low_freq * 2**((k - 1) / b) def w(N): return np.hamming(N) def nk(k): return np.ceil(Q * fs / f(k)) def t(Nk, k): return (1 / Nk) * w(Nk) * np.exp( 2 * np.pi * 1j * Q * np.arange(Nk) / Nk) # init vars Q = 1 / (2**(1 / b) - 1) K = int(np.ceil(b * np.log2(high_freq / low_freq))) nfft = int(2**np.ceil(np.log2(Q * fs / low_freq))) # define temporal kernal and sparse kernal variables S = [ scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(np.fft.fft(t(nk(k), k), nfft)) for k in range(K, 0, -1) ] S = scipy.sparse.vstack(S[::-1]).tocsc().transpose().conj() / nfft # compute the constant Q-transform xcq = (np.fft.fft(sig, nfft).reshape(1, nfft) * S)[0] return xcq
[docs]def pre_process_x(sig, fs=16000, win_type="hann", win_len=0.025, win_hop=0.01): """ Prepare window and pad signal audio """ # convert integer to double # sig = np.double(sig) / 2.**15 # STFT parameters # convert win_len and win_hop from seconds to samples win_length = int(win_len * fs) hop_length = int(win_hop * fs) # compute window window = np.hanning(win_length) if win_type == "hamm": window = np.hamming(win_length) # normalization step to ensure that the STFT is self-inverting (or a Parseval frame) normalized_window = normalize_window(win=window, hop=hop_length) # Compute the STFT # zero pad to ensure that there are no partial overlap windows in the STFT computation sig = np.pad(sig, (window.size + hop_length, window.size + hop_length), 'constant', constant_values=(0, 0)) return sig, normalized_window, hop_length
[docs]def stft(sig, fs=16000, win_type="hann", win_len=0.025, win_hop=0.01): """ Compute the short time Fourrier transform of an audio signal x. Args: x (array) : audio signal in the time domain win (int) : window to be used for the STFT hop (int) : hop-size Returns: X : 2d array of the STFT coefficients of x """ sig, normalized_window, hop_length = pre_process_x(sig, fs=fs, win_type=win_type, win_len=win_len, win_hop=win_hop) X = compute_stft(x=sig, win=normalized_window, hop=hop_length) return X, sig
[docs]def compute_stft(x, win, hop): """ Compute the short time Fourrier transform of an audio signal x. Args: x (array) : audio signal in the time domain win (int) : window to be used for the STFT hop (int) : hop-size Returns: X : 2d array of the STFT coefficients of x """ # length of the audio signal sig_len = x.size # length of the window = fft size win_len = win.size # number of steps to take num_steps = (np.ceil((sig_len - win_len) / hop) + 1).astype(int) # init STFT coefficients X = np.zeros((win_len, num_steps), dtype=complex) # normalizing factor nf = np.sqrt(win_len) for k in range(num_steps - 1): d = x[k * hop:k * hop + win_len] * win X[:, k] = np.fft.fft(d) / nf # the last window may partially overlap with the signal d = x[num_steps * hop:] X[:, k] = np.fft.fft(d * win[:d.size], n=win_len) / nf return X
[docs]def istft(X, fs=16000, win_type="hann", win_len=0.025, win_hop=0.01): """ Args: X : STFT coefficients win : window to be used for the STFT hop : hop-size Returns : x : inverse STFT of X """ # STFT parameters # convert win_len and win_hop from seconds to samples win_length = int(win_len * fs) hop_length = int(win_hop * fs) # compute window if win_type == "hann": window = np.hanning(win_length) elif win_type == "hamm": window = np.hamming(win_length) # normalization step to ensure that the STFT is self-inverting (or a Parseval frame) normalized_window = normalize_window(win=window, hop=hop_length) # Compute the ISTFT # win_len: length of the window + num_steps: number of frames win_len, num_steps = X.shape[0], X.shape[1] # length of the output signal sig_len = win_len + (num_steps - 1) * hop_length # init output variable x = np.zeros((sig_len), dtype=complex) # normalizing factor nf = np.sqrt(win_len) for k in range(num_steps): d = nf * np.fft.ifft(X[:, k]) * normalized_window x[k * hop_length:k * hop_length + win_len] += d return x
[docs]def normalize_window(win, hop): """ Normalize the window according to the provided hop-size so that the STFT is a tight frame. Args: win (int) : window to be used for the STFT hop (int) : hop-size """ N = win.size K = int(N / hop) win2 = win * win z = 1 * win2 k = 1 ind1 = N - hop ind2 = hop while (k < K): z[0:ind1] += win2[ind2:N] z[ind2:N] += win2[0:ind1] ind1 -= hop ind2 += hop k += 1 win2 = win / np.sqrt(z) return win2
[docs]def display_stft(X, fs, len_sig, low_freq=0, high_freq=3000, min_db=-10, max_db=0, normalize=True): """ Plot the stft of an audio signal in the time-frequency plane. Args: X (array) : STFT coefficients fs (int) : sampling frequency in Hz (assumed to be integer) hop (int) : hop-size used in the STFT (for labeling the time axis) low_freq (int) : minimun frequency to plot in hz. Default is 0 Hz. high_freq (int) : maximum frequency tp plot in Hz. Default is 3000 Hz. min_db (int) : minimun magnitude to display in dB Default is 0 dB. max_db (int) : maximum magnitude to display in dB. Default is -10 dB. normalize (bool) : Normalize input. Default is True. """ # normalize : largest coefficient magnitude is unity X_temp = X.copy() if normalize: X_temp /= np.amax(abs(X_temp)) # compute frequencies array Freqs = np.array([low_freq, high_freq]) Fd = (Freqs * X_temp.shape[0] / fs).astype(int) # compute values matrix Z = X_temp[Fd[1]:Fd[0]:-1, :] Z = np.clip(np.log(np.abs(Z) + 1e-50), min_db, max_db) Z = 255 * (Z - min_db) / (max_db - min_db) # compute duration time = float(len_sig) / float(fs) # plotting plt.imshow(Z, extent=[0, time, low_freq / 1000, high_freq / 1000], aspect="auto") plt.ylabel('Frequency (Khz)') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
[docs]def power_spectrum(fourrier_transform, nfft=NFFT): magnitude_frames = np.absolute(fourrier_transform) # Magnitude of the FFT power_frames = ((1.0 / nfft) * ((magnitude_frames)**2)) # Power Spectrum return power_frames
[docs]def rfft(x, n=NFFT): """ compute the fourrier transform of a certain signal frames. """ return np.fft.rfft(a=x, n=n)
[docs]def dct(x, type=2, axis=1, norm='ortho'): from scipy.fftpack import dct return scipy.fftpack.dct(x=x, type=type, axis=axis, norm=norm)
[docs]def powspec(sig, fs=16000, nfft=512, win_type="hann", win_len=0.025, win_hop=0.01, dither=1): """ compute the powerspectrum and frame energy of the input signal. basically outputs a power spectrogram each column represents a power spectrum for a given frame each row represents a frequency default values: fs = 8000Hz wintime = 25ms (200 samps) steptime = 10ms (80 samps) which means use 256 point fft hamming window $Header: /Users/dpwe/matlab/rastamat/RCS/powspec.m,v 1.3 2012/09/03 14:02:01 dpwe Exp dpwe $ for fs = 8000 NFFT = 256; NOVERLAP = 120; SAMPRATE = 8000; WINDOW = hamming(200); """ # convert win_len and win_hop from seconds to samples win_length = int(win_len * fs) hop_length = int(win_hop * fs) fft_length = int(np.power(2, np.ceil(np.log2(win_len * fs)))) # compute stft X, _ = stft(sig=sig, fs=fs, win_type=win_type, win_len=win_len, win_hop=win_hop) pow_X = np.abs(X)**2 if dither: pow_X = pow_X + win_length e = np.log(np.sum(pow_X, axis=0)) return pow_X, e
[docs]def lifter(x, lift=0.6, invs=False): """ apply lifter to matrix of cepstra (one per column) Args: lift (float) : exponent of x i^n liftering or, as a negative integer, the length of HTK-style sin-curve liftering. inverse (bool) : if inverse == 1 (default 0), undo the liftering. Returns: liftered cepstra. """ ncep = x.shape[0] if lift == 0: y = x else: if lift < 0: warnings.warn( 'HTK liftering does not support yet; default liftering') lift = 0.6 liftwts = np.arange(1, ncep)**lift liftwts = np.append(1, liftwts) if (invs): liftwts = 1 / liftwts y = np.matmul(np.diag(liftwts), x) return y
[docs]def audspec(p_spectrum, fs=16000, nfilts=0, fb_type='bark', low_freq=0, high_freq=0, sumpower=1, bwidth=1): """ perform critical band analysis (see PLP) based on the power spectrogram. Args: aspectrum (array) : the power spectrum array. nfft (int) : the FFT size. (Default is 512) fs (int) : sample rate/ sampling frequency of the signal. (Default 16000 Hz) nfilts (int) : the number of filters in the filterbank. (Default 20) fb_type (str) : type of bins [Mel, Bark, ...]. bwidth (int) : the constant width of each band relative to standard Mel (default 1). Default is 1. low_freq (int) : lowest band edge of mel filters. (Default 0 Hz) high_freq (int) : highest band edge of mel filters. (Default samplerate/2) sumpower (bool) : sum power if True. Default is True. Returns: auditory spectrum array. """ if nfilts == 0: np.ceil(hz2bark(fs / 2)) + 1 if high_freq == 0: high_freq = fs / 2 nfreqs = p_spectrum.shape[0] nfft = (int(nfreqs) - 1) * 2 if fb_type == 'bark': wts = fft2barkmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, bwidth, low_freq, high_freq) elif fb_type == 'mel': wts = fft2melmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, bwidth, low_freq, high_freq) elif fb_type == 'htkmel': wts = fft2melmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, bwidth, low_freq, high_freq, htk=True, constamp=True) elif fb_type == 'fcmel': wts = fft2melmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, bwidth, low_freq, high_freq, htk=True, constamp=False) wts = wts[:, 0:nfreqs] if sumpower: aspectrum = np.matmul(wts, p_spectrum) else: aspectrum = np.matmul(wts, np.sqrt(p_spectrum))**2 return aspectrum
[docs]def postaud(x, fmax, fb_type='bark', broaden=0): """ do loudness equalization and cube root compression Args: x : critical band filters rows : critical bands cols : frames """ nbands, nframes = x.shape nfpts = int(nbands + 2 * broaden) if fb_type == 'bark': bandcfhz = bark2hz(np.linspace(0, hz2bark(fmax), nfpts)) elif fb_type == 'mel': bandcfhz = mel2hz(np.linspace(0, hz2mel(fmax), nfpts)) elif fb_type == 'htkmel' or fb_type == 'fcmel': bandcfhz = mel2hz(np.linspace(0, hz2mel(fmax, htk=True), nfpts), htk=True) bandcfhz = bandcfhz[broaden:(nfpts - broaden)] fsq = np.power(bandcfhz, 2) ftmp = np.add(fsq, 1.6e5) eql = np.multiply((fsq / ftmp)**2, (fsq + 1.44e6) / (fsq + 9.61e6)) z = np.multiply(np.tile(eql, (nframes, 1)).T, x) z = np.power(z, 0.33) if broaden: y = np.zeros((z.shape[0] + 2, z.shape[1])) y[0, :] = z[0, :] y[1:nbands + 1, :] = z y[nbands + 1, :] = z[z.shape[0] - 1, :] else: y = np.zeros((z.shape[0], z.shape[1])) y[0, :] = z[1, :] y[1:nbands - 1, :] = z[1:z.shape[0] - 1, :] y[nbands - 1, :] = z[z.shape[0] - 2, :] return y, eql
[docs]def invpostaud(y, fmax, fb_type='bark', broaden=0): """ invert the effects of postaud (loudness equalization and cube - root compression) - y = postaud output - x = reconstructed critical band filters - rows = critical bands - cols = frames """ nbands, nframes = y.shape if fb_type == 'bark': bandcfhz = bark2hz(np.linspace(0, hz2bark(fmax), nbands), fs, nfft) elif fb_type == 'mel': bandcfhz = mel2hz(np.linspace(0, hz2mel(fmax), nbands)) elif fb_type == 'htkmel' or fb_type == 'fcmel': bandcfhz = mel2hz(np.linspace(0, hz2mel(fmax, htk=True), nbands), htk=True) bandcfhz = bandcfhz[broaden:(nbands - broaden)] fsq = bandcfhz**2 ftmp = fsq + 1.6e5 eql = np.multiply((fsq / ftmp)**2, (fsq + 1.44e6) / (fsq + 9.61e6)) x = y**(1 / 0.33) if eql[0] == 0: eql[0] = eql[1] eql[-1] = eql[-2] x = np.divide(x[broaden:(nbands - broaden + 1), :], np.add(np.tile(eql.T, (nframes, 1)).T, 1e-8)) return x, eql
[docs]def invpowspec(y, fs, win_len, win_hop, excit=[]): """ x = invpowspec(y, fs, wintime, steptime, excit) Attempt to go back from specgram-like power spectrum to audio waveform by scaling specgram of white noise default values: fs = 8000Hz wintime = 25ms (200 samps) steptime = 10ms (80 samps) which means use 256 point fft hamming window excit is input excitation; white noise is used if not specified for fs = 8000 NFFT = 256; NOVERLAP = 120; SAMPRATE = 8000; WINDOW = hamming(200); """ nrow, ncol = y.shape r = excit winpts = int(win_len * fs) steppts = int(win_hop * fs) nfft = int(np.power(2, np.ceil(np.divide(np.log(winpts), np.log(2))))) # Can't predict librosa stft length... tmp = istft(X=y, fs=fs, win_type="hann", win_len=0.025, win_hop=0.01) # # Can't predict librosa stft length... # tmp = librosa.istft(y, # hop_length=steppts, # win_length=winpts, # window='hann', # center=False) xlen = len(tmp) # xlen = int(np.add(winpts, np.multiply(steppts, np.subtract(ncol, 1)))) # xlen = int(np.multiply(steppts, np.subtract(ncol, 1))) if len(r) == 0: r = np.squeeze(np.random.randn(xlen, 1)) r = r[0:xlen] R, _ = stft(sig=r, fs=fs, win_type=win_type, win_len=win_len, win_hop=win_hop) # R = librosa.stft(np.divide(r, 32768 * 12), # n_fft=nfft, # hop_length=steppts, # win_length=winpts, # window='hann', # center=False) R *= np.sqrt(y) x = istft(X=R, fs=fs, win_type="hann", win_len=0.025, win_hop=0.01) # x = librosa.istft(R, # hop_length=steppts, # win_length=winpts, # window='hann', # center=False) return x
[docs]def invaudspec(aspectrum, fs=16000, nfft=512, fb_type='bark', low_freq=0, high_freq=None, sumpower=True, bwidth=1): """ Compute the power spectrum from the auditory spectrum. Invert (~might not be that accurate) the effects of audspec() Args: aspectrum (array) : the auditory spectrum array. nfft (int) : the FFT size. (Default is 512) fs (int) : sample rate/ sampling frequency of the signal. (Default 16000 Hz) nfilts (int) : the number of filters in the filterbank. (Default 20) fb_type (str) : type of bins [Mel, Bark, ...]. bwidth (int) : the constant width of each band relative to standard Mel (default 1). Default is 1. low_freq (int) : lowest band edge of mel filters. (Default 0 Hz) high_freq (int) : highest band edge of mel filters. (Default samplerate/2) sumpower (bool) : sum power if True. Default is True. Returns: power spectrum array. """ if high_freq is None: high_freq = fs / 2 nfilts, nframes = aspectrum.shape if fb_type == 'bark': wts = fft2barkmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, bwidth, low_freq, high_freq) elif fb_type == 'mel': wts = fft2melmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, bwidth, low_freq, high_freq) elif fb_type == 'htkmel': wts = fft2melmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, bwidth, low_freq, high_freq, htk=True, constamp=True) elif fb_type == 'fcmel': wts = fft2melmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, bwidth, low_freq, high_freq, htk=True, constamp=False) wts = wts[:, 0:int(nfft / 2 + 1)] ww = np.matmul(wts.T, wts) itws = wts.T / np.tile( np.maximum(np.mean(np.diag(ww)) / 100, np.sum(ww, axis=0)), (nfilts, 1)).T if sumpower: spec = np.matmul(itws, aspectrum) else: spec = np.power(np.matmul(itws, np.sqrt(aspectrum))) return spec, wts, itws